Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 5: Not too shabby

Today was not nearly as bad as it could've been. We'll start with that. I didn't end up doing Just Dance. HOWEVER, the living room is actually clean enough that I can do it tomorrow and not spend the Bubby's whole nap getting to the point where I CAN exercise. I actually vacuumed, which was much more pleasant than normal since my grandmother gave me her "old" vacuum cleaner that's only been used twice. (She switched to a Roomba Vacuum that's much easier on her back, so I was happy to relieve her of the old one!) But since it's vacuumed, I can decide whether to do Just Dance tomorrow while Bubby sleeps or do the Wii Fit, which I like long as the room is vacuumed and I'm not picking up crumbs every time I step off the balance board. ;)

My mother-in-law also came over today and helped with my kitchen, so it's looking pretty darn fantastic too. Plus she helped Bubs get motivated to pick up the papers that were in the dining room and clear her things from the dining room table, so that was really helpful. I was also able to order my sister-in-law's Christmas present today, which I'm super excited about, and I ordered the books from my book order, so I have Christmas nearly complete. Also, for my craft this week, I've been working on a Memory Game for all of my nieces, nephew (since I only have one...four grandsons and three of them belong to me!) and my kids. That meant re-sizing a TON of pictures and getting them printed out using the last day of Snapfish's 100 prints for $1 sale, so it was a really good deal, considering I needed 95 4x6's. I also just received the nailhead trim for my chair, so I can finally finish that up tomorrow!  And, all in all, my eating wasn't bad today. We got some grocery shopping done and I had a Lunchable for lunch, but it could've been worse, especially since I ate one without any dessert in it. And it was only $1, so I didn't feel too bad. So, if I can keep myself from eating all of the cinnamon rolls I just made for tomorrow's breakfast (per Bubs's request), I won't feel too bad at all! I'm calling today a success.


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