Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 9

Well, I'm going to try to take the rest of the day to actually REST. I don't normally talk about religion on my blog. Either my craft blog or my family blog really. (Although when was the last time I actually POSTED on my family blog? That's been a while!) I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We had our General Conference last week. We believe that we have living prophets and apostles on the Earth who speak to us today. General Conference is our opportunity every 6 months to have a worldwide conference where we hear those apostles speak to us. Our sweet prophet, Thomas S. Monson, gave a few wonderful talks. He's in his 80's, but in such good health. He has the sweetest way of speaking. Even before he became our prophet, he was one of my favorite speakers to listen to. And watching it on tv (which is how a lot of us watch General Conference. Some in churches throughout the world, some in their homes, and some online.) is even more fun because he has SUCH great facial expressions. There's a large congregation that listens to him speak in person and they would crack up laughing seeing him make some of his expressions. I'm grateful that I get to see it on television and see those expressions. We listened on the radio for part of it as we drove to lunch with my family and I felt like I missed out a little because he was speaking and we couldn't tell what he was doing with his face.  It was fun to listen as he announced new temples (houses of worship and ordinances) were going to be built. One of the new temples will be located in Star Valley, Wyoming. He took a moment and smiled. When the congregation started to giggle a little bit, he said "Can I be the one to dedicate that temple? They've got good fishing out there." He's just so sweet and fun!  One of the things that they talked a bit about was sharing the gospel. We have SO many resources available to us these days. We have phones and internet and phones WITH internet and all sorts of ways to keep in touch with people. And the church has been keeping up with this. They offer apps with the scriptures. You can download church magazines, including the magazine for kids and teens, which have great stories at their level to help them understand basic principles better. And these days they have, which I linked to above, which talks about our beliefs and how to learn more. I'm 27 years old and I don't feel like I've ever done a good job sharing what I believe. I'd like to change that. My sweet sister-in-law is going on a mission for our church in December. She'll be sharing the gospel and teaching on a daily basis. I'm hoping to follow that example more closely, to show my children. And even if the only people I teach are my children and  myself, those are the most important people that I can teach. So I'm starting here- putting it out where I want to be held accountable. I want to learn more. I want to know more so that I can teach my children, so that I can answer questions. I know that my church is true. I KNOW it, but I need to know all that I can so that I can teach others. So this will be my topic to post about on Sundays, even through my 31 days. To keep myself accountable. To share what I learn. To teach others. And myself. Because I need to know. I hope you join me!  I'm excited to start this process of learning more. So to start, I'll share a scripture that I saw today and will be reading again soon as I work on reading my Book of Mormon more. "And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." (2 Nephi 25:26)  That's what this is about. Rejoicing in my savior and sharing his love. 


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